Fishman pedalmannoviembre 11, 20170 Ibanez TS808 The Original Tube Screamer Guitarristas que lo usan John Mayer (John Mayer & Aaron Neville) Alex Turner Alex Trimble (Two Door Cinema Club) Billie Joe…
Ibanezpedalmanoctubre 31, 20170 Ibanez TS9 Tube Screamer Guitarristas que lo usan John Mayer (John Mayer & Aaron Neville) Jonny Buckland Feed Me (Seventh Stitch) Jack Johnson (G.Love and…
Emerson pedalmanagosto 31, 20170 MXR M-133 Micro Amp Pedal Guitarristas que lo usan Jonny Buckland Alex Turner Jack Johnson (G.Love and Jack Johnson) John Frusciante (Red Hot Chili Peppers) Jack…
Pedalespedalmanagosto 31, 20170 Electro Harmonix Holy Grail Max Guitarristas que lo usan Josh Klinghoffer (Red Hot Chili Peppers) Ali Friend (The Imagined Village) Videos Comprar Electro Harmonix Holy Grail…
Ibanezpedalmanagosto 31, 20170 Ibanez AF-9 Guitarristas que lo usan Josh Klinghoffer (Red Hot Chili Peppers) Avi Bortnick Videos Comprar Ibanez MF100C Estuche para cuerpos huecos AF/AFJ/AKJ…
Bosspedalmanagosto 31, 20170 Boss SP-1 Spectrum Guitarristas que lo usan Josh Klinghoffer (Red Hot Chili Peppers) Billy Corgan (The Smashing Pumpkins) Videos Comprar Adaptador de corriente CA…
Bosspedalmanagosto 31, 20170 Keeley Modded Boss DS-1 Ultra Distortion Guitar Effects Pedal Guitarristas que lo usan Josh Klinghoffer (Red Hot Chili Peppers) Bobby Hambel (Biohazard) Jeff Rosenstock (The Arrogant Sons of Bitches) Tim…
Pedalespedalmanagosto 31, 20170 Pigtronix PolySaturator Distortion Guitar Effects Pedal Guitarristas que lo usan Josh Klinghoffer (Red Hot Chili Peppers) Brad Whitford (Aerosmith) Gustavo Cerati (Soda Stereo) Adam Smirnoff (Robert Randolph…
KLONpedalmanagosto 31, 20170 Klon Centaur Gold Horsie Guitarristas que lo usan Josh Klinghoffer (Red Hot Chili Peppers) Brad Whitford (Aerosmith) Charley Bagnall (Rixton) Geoff Farina (Karate) Videos Comprar…
Pedalespedalmanagosto 31, 20170 Framptone The 3-Banger Footswitch White Guitarristas que lo usan Josh Klinghoffer (Red Hot Chili Peppers) Brad Whitford (Aerosmith) Rich Robinson (The Black Crowes) Chris Cheney (The…